Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing 18. YouTube & Other Online Video

Cube life in a library cube., this is not a Minnesota snowman, but instead an example from YouTube where someone has decided to do a video of my library life...and with catchy music too!!! The reason why I picked this video is sort of obvious from the name of my blog...Yes, it's really true...there is a large, underground cube farm doing secret library work at a place I can't reveal due to national library security pledges all of us workers there have signed--but it does exist, and believe me, just like the video song above says, there's a whole lot of cube dreamin' going on by those library workers living in these shadowy office cubicles...and the funny thing, despite the security, this video producer has discovered my likeness even down to the stupid, empty grin on my face as I sit and imagine a world far away from where I cube dwell...

YouTube is such a great place, and is so well known, that there is not much more to say about it except you sure are able to fill up hours watching the incredible stuff on this site...and I like the fact that this 23 Things assignment forced me to put a video clip on my blog since now I learned just how incredibly easy it is to wonder these YouTube clips are found all over the net...And most are at least watchable, if not totally enjoyable, and some are so professional that it makes you wonder just how all these people learned how to make these clips in the first place?

The only problem I had with the site is concentrating on finding the correct video example, there are so many to choose from...and the site runs almost like hypertext since it kept giving me other examples to watch, all sort of related to my search, but just enough of a difference to send me off in an entirely other direction, and the next thing I noticed, I would be watching stuff so off my original search that I felt I was on the regular web, following hypertext links all over the Internet... but here, on this site, you just stay in the same site, but can travel everywhere ...YouTube fools you into feeling its like the Internet never have to leave it, and you think you can see anything in the world...a very powerful experience...

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