Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thing 3. Set Up an RSS Account & Add Feeds

Now I am starting to see the benefits of this new technology I have been ignoring for so long. I had heard of this RSS thing but never really understood what was so useful about it...I actually thought it might have something to do with podcasts or some sort of audio business which is something I wasn't too interested in, but now my eyes are starting to open up on the possibilities (and yes, I think you can use this for receiving podcasts too so I was partially right)...but now I am kicking myself, and feeling a bit of a fool that I ignored looking into a program that could be so helpful to me for finding out the stuff I like to keep up on on the net....

But like all new things software-wise, there does seem to be a learning hurdle to overcome, and some persistence needed, before you are confident that you are maximizing the effectiveness of what this RSS can do...I chose to try out Bloglines and was almost immediately stumped as to why I would read the feed summaries once and then they would disappear so the next time I couldn't find the items I had just read....and like all computer stuff, the solution is so simple (Really Simple, Stupid!---my version of RSS) that all you had to do was remember to set the filter so that it goes back far enough in time to pick up the feed you want. First lesson then in RSS learning for me to remember---these feeds are time-dependent, and you need to keep that in mind or you will not understand why things are not there anymore....makes sense when you think about it...and of course, this is also why this RSS is so useful...only the newest items are what you want to know, usually, and this is a quick and easy way to get to it...

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