Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thing 8. Share Your Creations

Here I combined two of the tools mentioned in Thing 8 to create a video presentation for my book club....the spinning cube below shows the book covers of the books we are reading (this was made using photos organized in Picture Trail), while the database shown below the cube for our book selections was created using the database creation tool from Lazybase.

[NEW UPDATE: WARNING--Because later on after this Thing was looking so cool, and the above was written, and such, Lazybase went bad on me--their site became so sluggish that the database connected to it that was below the spinning cube suddenly disappeared, and in fact, caused my entire blog to freeze I cut it out and now the blog is back in total again...a lesson learned that some of these programs are not totally stable over the long run...and can mess you up...]

In short, I can see this tool being a very good marketing technique to attract people to library events like our book club where sometimes it is hard to convince people that books are still as much fun as TV...but a spinning book cube can compete with cable, can't it??? (you are getting drowsy, drowsy, drowsy, keep watching the spinning cube...yes, hypnosis can bring in people too...)

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